Just Before You Reduce Your Price, Use This Method to Sell Your Product

The first thought that comes to your mind when trying to convince a prospect is usually to reduce the price of your products. What if you could do something different?

Prince Bright
2 min readMay 10, 2022
Photo by Christiann Koepke on Unsplash

If you have a product or service, then by now you would have met customers or clients that will say “it’s too expensive…” Of course, we will always have that in business and marketing.

Some people save themselves the stress by spending so much money on building a clientele of the elite that has the funds for their products or services. While others just have to deal with all kinds of clients.

It always seems reducing your prices to sell a product is effective because when you reduce your price, the client then buys your product, and by default you are prone to do that each time.

The mistake so many marketers make is that they ignore one thing or are not aware of it.

Every marketer should know that money follows value anytime, any day.

When you create value enough, people will pay for your product because they love you and they won’t complain.

An example is seen when people are buying Apple products or jerseys of their favorite clubs.

When people are buying iPhones, you hardly hear them asking the attendant to reduce the price or when buying jerseys for their favorite clubs. This is because these companies and industries have built so much value enough for people to buy their products at the exact price it’s going for.

So the thing is, before you reduce your price, increase the value!

If the client says it’s too expensive, add more value to it, give them more benefits from the product or service, and let them feel that they would be doing something wrong if they pay lesser for the whole package.

That’s one of the best ways to win a client in marketing.

Increase the value before reducing your price. It’s always worth it.

Add this to your marketing strategy and see if it works for you.

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