How to Grow Your Business Using Google Alerts

Prince Bright
8 min readDec 2, 2022


Google Alerts is one of the most crucial tools for internet marketers to use in order to expand their business. They enable you to keep tabs on fresh information that is posted online about your business, rivals, your sector, possible employees, and more. The internet presently has over 100 million websites, which is a fact. Additionally, if your firm is active, you presumably spend at least some of each day reading news articles about your sector, keeping up with what your rivals are up to, and searching for new resources that might be of assistance to you.

That takes a lot of effort.

Especially since it can take hours or even days to find all the information you require on the great terrible internet! You can automate this process with Google Alerts so that whenever new information about something you are interested in surfaces online, your email account is immediately alerted. This way, you won’t have to waste hours looking for it and may read it immediately.

Although it’s pretty simple to set up Google Alerts, there are a few tips you should be aware of in order to get the best results. Simple instructions for setting up notifications on your own are provided below.

Create a New Google Alert

You can accomplish this by visiting On the page for the alert, log in with your Google account, input the phrases you wish to be alerted about, then click “Create Alert.” If pre-made alerts better fit your needs, such as Company Alerts or Country Alerts, you can also select those. Even while it is not required, the more details you give Google, the better results it will return when looking for relevant stuff online.

Pick an Alert category

The next choice you have to make is whether you want email notifications delivered directly to your inbox or text-based alerts for your keywords whenever an article meeting your criteria is published online. When you select text-based reports, Google will notify you anytime your keywords are mentioned online and send them to your Gmail account. If you opt to email, it will send a daily email with all relevant articles to the email address you specify at the time you set.

This can be done by clicking the “show options” button.

Create Alert

Once this is finished, click “Create Alert” after entering your email address or login and password in the relevant areas for either type of alert.

You now have a new Google Alert! Before it starts delivering results, there are a few things you need to understand about how it operates.

How frequently Google scans for new information about your search keywords is the first thing to watch out for. It automatically checks every hour and notifies you as soon as a new match is found. By selecting “Show Options” and customizing the “How Often” parameter, you can modify this setting.

The next decision is how many results per page Google should return after each check. Your search criteria may yield hundreds or even thousands of results, depending on the type of information you’re looking for. If you require more than the default 10 results per page, look for the “Show x More Results” link in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Try using commas to separate terms if an alert returns too much information. This will keep out extraneous stuff for each term while still notifying you anytime either word is referenced online. By clicking the “Change Language” link under the search box, you can also select other languages for your alerts to be shown in.

Finally, select the time of day you want Google Alerts to deliver you results. Once everything is finished, click “Save.” To check if your new Google Alert has been successfully activated, click “Manage Your Alerts” underneath “What Is Being Searched?” The list of items you added to “Create New Alert” should appear on the page that opens. Something went wrong if it isn’t listed here.

You should take a few factors into account before using Google Alerts now that you know how to set them up for yourself. Fortunately, the most crucial one is simple enough to correct.

When looking for information online, always verify several sources. Always double-check a website’s facts with at least one additional source, regardless of how reliable it may seem. Additionally, keep in mind that, unless you chose email alerts at the outset, all of your notifications will be returned in text format, so search for trustworthy websites that have been around for a while and have a wealth of information available on them.

How to Enhance The Effectiveness of Your Alerts

Try altering your keywords to a carefully chosen set that has not been utilized by anybody else if you keep having the same sites appear in your alerts for unique keywords. This will aid in removing redundant information while still producing new findings.

Start With General Keywords And Then Become More Specific

When creating an alert, you don’t have to list every possible keyword that comes to mind. Instead, begin your search with one or two broad terms that explain what you’re looking for, and then, after all of the initial results have been displayed, add more precise search terms. You can avoid having to go through an excessive amount of pointless stuff in this way.

Add Filters

Including filters is one of the simplest ways to limit the content. If you wish to be notified when your name or the name of your company appeared online, for instance, add it in your search phrase (for example, “(company name) OR (name)”). Additionally, you may add things like locations and languages, which could eventually help reduce the overall amount of results. Utilize your imagination when conducting searches, but make sure they are still broad enough to weed out irrelevant results.

Include Emails And Notifications

Simply enter the address you wish to receive notifications at under “Email Results To” before clicking “Create Alert” if you prefer email to RSS. Google offers a wide range of notification options, but it’s preferable to start with one before adding more because you might not always want all of them. Additionally, make sure to tick the box next to “Send me to email updates for this search” under “Frequency” if you want notifications sent to you as soon as they are made.

Experiment Without Hesitation

Try changing the distribution method under “Delivery Method” or using filters that can help focus the material if delivering your notifications via RSS isn’t working well for you. Under the “Result type” section, you may also modify the number of results that appear in each batch and experiment with filtering until you find something that works.

Anyone interested in keeping up with internet activity in their field can use Google Alerts to do it. The advice given above will ensure that your notifications are more effective and efficient than ever before, whether you want to increase your business, avoid the awkward “do I know you from somewhere” inquiry, or simply advance in your profession.

How Can Google Alerts Help Your Business Grow?

Google Alerts functions as a tool to assist users in locating potential new clients for their goods or services.

Because user data is continually moving via the Internet, using this tool to monitor what people are saying about your company online can be very beneficial. Here are some pointers for utilizing Google Alerts to expand your company:

1. Keep up With News Stories And Business Trends

If you’re the owner of any kind of company and you’re not keeping an eye on potential changes in your sector or new developments that can have an impact on your business, you risk falling behind when it comes time for rivals to take advantage of either of these events. To make sure your business and product are prepared, use Google Alerts to keep an eye on everything that happens on both a micro- and macro-scale (for example, announcements about upcoming conferences).

2. Increase Sales By Keeping Track of Sales Leads

It should be considerably simpler to identify any potential new consumers who may require your services or products if you are keeping an eye on what is happening around your company. Google Alerts can be used to receive notifications when someone mentions your brand favorably (e.g., talking about how they like a certain product you sell). Users will be considerably more inclined to contact you if they need expert assistance or have queries once they receive an alert like this.

3. Find Favorable Feedback on a Product or Service

Online research is one of the most popular ways for consumers to learn more about a company, and the most popular way they do this is by reading reviews of that company. Nowadays, there are review websites for almost anything (even this blog); if your business sells a tangible product or offers a service, then it’s likely that customers will check these sites first before deciding what to buy. Users of Google Alerts can look for consumer reviews of whatever it is they may be selling, which should make it simpler to increase traffic to their storefront or website.

4. Keep up With The Latest Industry News

Keep up with the news in your field regardless of who you are or what line of work you are in as long as you want to stay informed about what is happening in the world. Users may keep track of what people are saying about phrases associated with their brand using Google Alerts, which should make it simpler for them to:

-Participate in conversations concerning crucial challenges facing the sector.

-Ensure that they do all of the necessary reading and research on the subject.

-Seek out and establish contacts with business executives.

5. Find New Keyword And Content Ideas

As a business owner, you’re constantly searching for ways to enhance what you already have going on. One of the most difficult issues to have an answer for is how to do this. You may have had SEO tactics in place, but the majority of them are generally built around previously determined keywords and phrases. This strategy is no longer effective because Google now employs algorithms to figure out what users are actually looking for when they conduct an internet search. As a result, you need to find a way to track these changes so that your business can stay on top of the game.

Finally, learning how to successfully create a Google Alert is a terrific method to keep track of the most recent information about your industry as it surfaces online. There are a few easy measures you can take to ensure your notifications give you the information you need, whether you need it for personal or professional purposes.

